2025 Qualifier entry form

"*" indicates required fields

Boater Name*
Co-angler Name*


All contestants: Having acquainted myself with the rules. I have completed this application and am enclosing my entrance fee payable to TBF KS. In signing this application, I hereby waive and release all other contestants, the host, sponsors and tournament officials from all claims or injury and/or damages incurred in connection with this tournament. I further understand and agree that the Tournament Director reserves the right to refund this entrance fee if my application is not accepted for any reason. I swear the above facts are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. By affixing my signature to this entry form, I give the Tournament Rules Committee the right to inspect my boat and motor and further agree to submit to a polygraph test should I be accused of any rule violation.
Boater Name/signature*
This has the same force as my signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Co-angler Name*
This has the same force as my signature.
MM slash DD slash YYYY